Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Nothing at the End of the Lane (electronica / experimental) are well worth a listen on MySpace, which remains a good place to make surprising musical discoveries - usually recommended by friends and associates. In this case, Alexandra Douglass-Bonner. Thanks. NAtEotL cite an interesting range of influences - Masami Akita, Malcolm Clarke, Delia Derbyshire (of BBC Radiophonic Workshop fame), Kevin Drumm, Brian Eno, Philip Glass, Jim O'Rourke, Pierre Schaeffer, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and David Vorhaus. Hhmmnnn... I could detect at least five of them in the excerpts they offer: 'Alone', 'Projections', 'Needles and Crystals', and 'Stepping Stones' (remix).

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